Amniotic Fluid Injection Therapy
Discover Effective Amniotic Injections Treatment for Joint and Muscle Pain
Are you tired of living with chronic joint and muscle pain? Seeking an alternative to traditional medical treatments like pain medications, steroid injections, or surgery? Look no further! At Airport Plaza Spine & Wellness, we proudly introduce a cutting-edge solution: Amniotic Fluid Injection Therapy.
Millions of patients around the world suffer from arthritis and other joint and muscle issues, and finding effective treatments can be challenging. That’s where Amniotic Fluid Injections come in. This revolutionary therapy has shown remarkable success in treating patients who have tried other conventional methods without satisfactory results.
Amniotic Fluid Injection Therapy offers the ability to heal damaged tissue naturally. They go far and beyond the benefits of standard “injection therapy.” While cortisone and other drugs only provide temporary pain relief, Amniotic Fluid Injections actually restore degenerated tissue while providing pain relief. Additional benefits include:
• Amniotic Fluid contains no steroids. Instead heavily relies on naturally occurring anti-inflammatory agents such as cytokines
• Amniotic Fluid contain hyaluronic acid, which lubricates cartilage and promotes new cartilage growth to help ease pain and restore mobility
• Amniotic Fluid contain potent nutrients and over 200 different growth factors to help stimulate tissue growth
• Amniotic Fluid may contain pluripotent stem cells, which have the power to transform themselves into any other type of cell in order to redevelop broken-down bodily tissues
• Amniotic Fluid is completely natural, so there is no threat of patient rejection
Amniotic Fluid Injection Therapy is designed to help you delay or avoid surgery by offering a less invasive/non-surgical alternative. This pain-free treatment provides powerful nutrients and natural growth factors that reduce inflammation and repair tissue. Because the amniotic fluid can be rich in stem cells, a concentrated dose has the potential to revitalize damaged tissues and reverse cellular decay. We also take it a step further and utilize precision guided fluoroscopy to ensure the stem cells are injected into exactly the right location.
Amniotic Fluid Injection Therapy poses a far lower risk of adverse effects in comparison to other pain treatment options, such as interventional surgery or pain medications.
The procedure also requires virtually no downtime. In fact, patients are free to return to work or other daily activities immediately following the appointment. You may be eligible for Amniotic Fluid Injection Therapy if you regularly experience musculoskeletal pain and have had no luck with traditional forms of pain management such as pain medication, steroid injections, and surgery.
Call to schedule a consultation with one of the Board Certified Physicians at Airport Plaza Spine & Wellness to determine if Amniotic Fluid Injection Therapy is right for you.

Come on In!
Hours of Operation
Monday: 9:00am – 7:00pm
Tuesday: Closed
Wednesday: 9:00am – 7:00pm
Thursday: 10:00am – 7:00pm
Friday: 9:00am – 1:00pm
Sat & Sun: Closed
Contact Us
(732) 264-2233